EPiC Measures develops and executes content marketing strategies to drive sales and engagement.
The brand integrity of internal and external information is aligned such that content accurately reflects a company’s vision, mission and stated goals. Marketing communication services include copywriting, copy editing, proofreading, and publishing the following types of content:
Publications: Websites, blogs, articles, newsletters (print and email), social media messages, press releases, and business reports or correspondence
Collateral: Digital promos, ad copy, brochures, flyers and sharable social media images*
Proposals: business or marketing pitches and proposals: RFP, RFQ and RFIs
Audio-Visual Presentations: Promo and explainer video content and film script editing
Company and industry-specific style guides are used to ensure messages are clear, concise, accurate, and truthful. Messages are tempered for tone and tact.
*Corporate brand identity design work for logos and traditional or mainstream media advertising is outsourced.